Monday, 17 November 2008

Back again from Vegas

Last minute changes to my schedule 10 days ago meant that I ended up at Gatwick with no bl**dy laptop.  For the first time in years my hard disk crashed the night before I was due to depart.  

ARGH!  The agony.  Its strange how not having a laptop for such a long period of time actually affects your life.  No webcam, no email (apart from the Blackberry)  and of course no log.  So thankfully on arrival back in the UK this morning my laptop was ready to run, and in top working order.  It was quite an interesting experience, but not one that I want to repeat to be honest.

I suppose I could have just run the the shops and purchased a new one, but with the £ plunging against the $ I'm really glad that I didn't.  Oh well - back on deck and able to write.  

Oh, and Vegas?  It was superb.  Definitely MORE people there than usual - we all know that gaming/gambling rises in a recession, but I would say there were 20% more people there than I was expecting.    The client was good fun too.  Quite a good poker player already, but psychologically all over the shop.  y the time I left I reckon we had got rid of the bulk of the reasons he would tilt.  Superb time had by all.